We recommend the closest parking options..

Either you can use one of the “green zone” parking spots outside (they are marked with a white dashed line on the ground and a sign with a green stripe, and there is a parking meter nearby), which have some limitations (you can stay for max. 6 hours) and parking fee (50 CZK per hour) on Monday to Sunday, 00-18:00.
Green zone parking spots closest to us are in Břehová, Na Rejdišti, Dvořákovo nábřeží, and parts of 17. listopadu streets.

Option would be to use one of the underground parking lots around here. They are generally very safe (as they are guarded), however they are also paid no matter what day or hour it is.
The closest underground parking lots are on Jan Palach square (náměstí Jana Palacha; costs 50 CZK/hour, 600 CZK/24 hours), then next to the Rudolfinum (entrance to the parking lot is in Dvořákovo nábřeží street; costs 60 CZK/hour, 660 CZK/24 hours), or in Pařížská street (costs 75 CZK/hour, 1000 CZK/24 hours).

If you park your car somewhere outside in the street, even just for a while, make sure you are not staying in area marked with a blue line, or a sign with a blue stripe. These parking spots are reserved for residents with special permits, and you could get fined (or your car could be towed away) if you used them.



Or you can use the underground garage – garages Rudolfinum, 660 CZK / 24h.


Never park on zones marked in blue! Fine or towing! or use this app.. www.citymove.app/citymove